Alla inlägg den 12 juni 2007

Av Amanda Lindberg - 12 juni 2007 15:42

Raven Queen

Her eyes are so black you’ll lose your breath,

and her gaze will make your hair stand on end.

Her claws will slash, her beak will rend,

making you wish for an early death.

But her lips are full, her breasts so round...

And when the moonshine makes her skin shimmer white

she will promise you both pleasure and delight

if you are brave enough to stand your ground.

Few have heard her as she sings,

fewer yet have felt her long and shiny tresses,

or been seduced by her caresses.

No, most just sense the distant beat of far-off wings,

although she is the greatest beauty ever seen,

and should she want you: never once avert your eyes.

As reward she will take you to the starry skies...

Behold! Before you stand the Raven Queen.

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